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Brandy Berries!

These make great gifts! Limited Edition Wild Alaskan Cranberry and Blueberry extracts made with brandy. Call!



Bug & Bee-Gone

Essential oil blend in herbal base to repel Skeeters, bugs n’ bees. Topical spray. 1oz./ $8, 2oz./ $15.




Prime herb in recycled Copper River salmon jars for a tempting whiff of fish! Small jar / $4, 3 jars / $10.



Green Seasons 

Tasty way to add the power of dark leafy greens to cooking or at the table! Spice jar $6, 3 jars / $15.



Sage N’ Nettle Celtic Salt Rub 

Local herbs blended with the only Real salt available! Essential for seasoning turkey, game hen, chicken, soups n’ casseroles! Spice jar $5, 3 jars / $12.



Milk Thistle Seeds 

The #1 liver repair & protection herb! Best quality, comes with roasting instructions. Really Delicious! $2 / oz., $14 / ½ lb. $25 / lb.




Smudge without smoke! A Negativity-banishing mist. Essential oils & friends charged with Celtic sea salt, Reiki, & good intentions. 2oz. $15, 4oz. $24, 4oz. refill $20.




Travel & Gift size of Qwik-Smudge! 1 oz. $10, 3 /$24, 10/$60.



Release Mist 

Designed to help release locked up muscles and ‘stuck’ energy in all types of bodywork. Unscented. 2oz. / $12.



Shield Mist

A gem elixir based mist with sandalwood to block unwanted energies from your aura. 2oz. / $12.




Specialty Products From Other Vendors




Ginger Snaps 

Organic anti-nausea candies! By EcoNatural Solutions of Colorado. 100+ tin box / $7.



Celtic Sea Salt 

The only REAL Sea salt there is! Light grey, moist crystals high in Magnesium & trace minerals. Refined salt is stripped of minerals (for industrial use) & TOXIC to humans! Use a salt that’s truly GOOD for your body! ¼ lb. $3, ½ lb. $5, 1 lb. $9.


We stock Celtic salt in the WHOLE form (best magnesium content!), so you need a salt grinder or mortar & pestle to make table-ready salt. Use whole in cooking. Read all about Celtic sea salt and see their salt grinders at:  http://www.celtic-seasalt.com



Copper River Seafoods Canned Salmon

We searched Alaska for the tastiest source of Natural Omega-3 Oils! In Cordova, Alaska we found famous Copper River Salmon smoked in small batches and canned by happy workers dancing to rock n’ roll! 7 oz. Cans of Heaven! Very limited quantities. Great for Menopause, allergies, inflammation & Long Life (Omega-3 oils needed for healthy hearts! Smoked King, $12.75 / can, Smoked Red, $10.75 / can.



Super Blue-Green Algae from Cell Tech.

Nature’s perfect Greens! Amazing source of energy, Chlorophyll for strong blood, Magnesium and other bio-available minerals & micronutrients. Perfect food for Stress, Menopause changes, trauma repair, travel. We keep on hand: Alpha Sun, Omega Sun, Enzymes & Spectrabiotic (digestive critters) because we take them ourselves. (So do the 3 cats!) Much as I dislike MLM companies because of the high prices, this product is Excellent! So we sell to you at wholesale plus shipping!! (If you want to be a dealer yourself, we’ll certainly sign you up!) Check out www.celltech.com for product descriptions and cost.



Optibiotic by Eclectic Inc. 

Echinacea, garlic, cayenne & vitamins to fight infections. 80 tablets / $21.



PSI by NF Formulas.

Pain, Spasm & Inflammation herbs & minerals for back pain and muscle spasm, menstrual pain. 60 capsules / bottle. PSI Daytime / $24, PSI Nighttime / $21.



HerbPharm Products

We carry some specialty products from HerbPharm in Williams, OR. While not made in small batches, their quality is GREAT! View their selections at www.herb-pharm.com



Avena-Licorice Compound

HerbPharm blend for tobacco addiction. Eases cravings. (Works well with Alaska Herbwork's Oatseng & Relaxing Blend.) $10 / 1 oz., $36 / 4 oz. dropper bottle.



Pharma-Kava by HerbPharm

The very BEST Kava! From concentrated tincture of Fiji roots. Relaxes muscles and minds! Promotes restful sleep.  60 caps / $18.



Venus Fly Trap / Carnivora by HerbPharm

German-made. Used in that country for treating cancer. $24 / 1 oz.




e-mail: herbwork@mosquitonet.com        Phone: (907) 451-HERB



Copyright 2001 by Deborah P. McCorkle