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Our very own custom blends !





Price Code                Formula Description           


B                        ADRENAL BURNOUT BLEND

Wake up tired? Try this energizing blend of Ho Shu Wu, Shizandra, Eleuthro. Ginseng,  & friends to nourish & repair adrenals, kidney. Can help PMS & prepare for an easy menopause.  A best seller already!



B                        ANEEMIA BLEND

Contains Yellow Dock root & Nettles.



B                        ASTRAGALUS BLEND

Traditional herbs for deep immune build and repair for people of all ages with frequent illnesses, allergies, & any depleted immune condition. Also to repair after antibiotic use. OK for kids.



B                        BITTERS !

Impaired digestion may be the root of much chronic illness!! The bitter taste stimulates liver & gall bladder activity to prepare and improve digestion & assimilation. Good reports of relief of heartburn and indigestion, when used before meals.



C                        BLACK COHOSH-DONG QUAI BLEND

Phyto-estrogenic herbs for women. Do not use for fibroids/excess bleeding.



C                        BLACK WALNUT BLEND

Designed to fight Candida. No cure claimed, but great results reported. Based upon an original formula by Cascade Anderson-Geller, of Traditional anti-fungal, yeast, and parasite herbs with bowel tonic activity. Use for only 2 week duration per treatment.



C                        BLUE COHOSH BLEND

Traditional herbs for delayed menses. Do NOT use if you might be pregnant.



B                        CHAMO-CALM

Sweet n' tasty drops of Chamomile and catnip, for kids of all ages! Relaxing, calming, anti-inflammatory and delicious! Eases irritability, teething, tummy aches, and a bad day at work! Can help with headaches, body aches, and hyperactivity in kids. Pure vegetable glycerin does not cause tooth decay, and is OK for Candida diets! Add to tea, water or juice. Great Gift idea !!!



A                        COOL FLASH

Motherwort plus extra goodies that Calms n’ Cools! Acts as an Adrenal food and Hot Flash relief.



B                        CRANBERRY HERBAL

Wild Alaskan cranberries, Echinacea root, and traditional herbs for urinary tract  infections.



B                        DAMIANA OATS N’ HONEY           

Sensuous tea concentrate of Alaskan oats, wild honey & the relaxing nerve food, Damiana. Great to share with a friend!



B                        DANDEDOCK

Traditional herbs for any "skin stuff", such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, rashes. Nourishing to liver, kidney and GI tract, too.



B                        HAWTHORNE-GINKGO BLEND

Classic herbs for heart & circulation health. Do not use with blood thinners.



B                        KILL'R FLEU #5   "The Original"

The testimonials keep coming in...."This is Great stuff!!" A broad spectrum blend of traditional medicinal herbs for "antibiotic-type" action and rapid immune system response. Very effective for Prevention during exposure to illness and times of increased stress, and to "knock out" existing colds, flu, sinus, earache, sore throat & ANY infection.  Anti-venom action even zaps mosquito & spider bites! A 'must have' for the medicine chest, backpack & dogsled!



B                        KILL'R FLEU GOLD

A Goldenseal version of KF5, containing no Larrea. Not recommended for prevention, due to drying action on mucous membranes.



B                        LUNG STUFF II

Nourishing blend of Traditional lung herbs chosen for tonic action to encourage repair, strengthen tissues, & reduce tendency to chest colds & flu; quiets and soothes coughs; expectorating, & tonifying.



D                        MNTL CLARITY (formerly Mental Clarity)

Traditional herbs for increased alertness Now, while building lasting mental energy & memory. Higher alcohol content works best added to hot tea/water. No caffeine. Works by increasing circulation to the brain with a tonic action to the whole system. Do NOT take with blood thinners. Not for kids  due to the high Ginseng root content.



B                        OATSENG  (formerly Stress Combo)

Traditional herbs to feed and repair frazzled nervous systems, & help your whole body adapt to stress with fresh young oats in “milk” stage and Siberian ginseng roots (Eleuthrococcus senticosus). Documented increased endurance and immune response in Russian studies. Popular with athletes. Nice taste. May ease cravings.



B                        PRECIOUS ELDER TONIC

Tasty blend of all the herbs I want my parents to take every day! Traditional herbs to nourish brain, heart, circulation, lungs, liver, hair, nerves, memory, digestion, & vitality! European studies show Ginkgo increases circulation to brain and extremities, improves memory, & helps prevent 2nd heart attacks...(why wait for # 1?) NOTE: Ginkgo should not be taken with prescription blood thinners.



B                        PRE MOON SOOTHER

Herbal aid for bloating, temper, nerves, cramps & the underlying imbalances.



B                        RELAXING BLEND

Alaskan grown herbs for relief of stress, anxiety & a bad day! Deliciously flavored with a touch of Amaretto liqueur. Great gift!!



B                        SKULLCAP COMFORT BLEND

Traditional herbs for nerve & back pain, muscle spasm, headache, nervous tension and inflammation; also insomnia from pain. Reports of decreased healing time for some injuries. Updated.



B                        SUPER CRAMP BARK BLEND       

Traditional herbs for menstrual cramp relief. Also effective for intestinal cramps or spasms. New, improved formula.



B                        VITEX-NETTLE BLEND                  

Chasteberry, Nettle and liver herbs to nourish and Balance a woman’s hormone levels, cycles and reproductive system at any time of life. Great ally for early to mid-menopause.




e-mail: herbwork@mosquitonet.com        Phone: (907) 451-HERB



Copyright 2001 by Deborah P. McCorkle