KM> Didn't the prophets for tell of Jesus?

HP> The prophets predicted a messiah would come to save the Jews. Notice that the Jews, who did the prophesying, are still waiting. Oops, you're debunked.<<

As ususual, Hector, you're prematurely especulating.

'Why have More Jews Converted to Christianity in the Last 19 years than in the last 1,900 Years ?' - Rabbi Tovia Singer

Notice that some Jews are still waiting.

Other Jews are converting to faith in Christ.

Just like the NT records Jews doing nearly 2000 years ago.

Just like many Gentiles reject Christ. Others accept Christ.

From - Jerusalem Post

November 19, 1994 page 7

From - Ad selling The Jewish Response to MISSIONARIES

[] What are We Doing Wrong ? And What are They Doing Right ? Why have More Jews Converted to Christianity in the Last 19 years than in the last 1,900 Years ?

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FOR JUDAISM 1-800-315-5397


WBW, John

* Origin: Slinging Seeds, FBKS, AK