JP> God could exist even if there is no Òevidence.Ó<<<<
HP> But it'd be totally irrelevant as it would have no effect [effects being, after all, evidence of existence, and irrelevancy being the lack of such effects].<<<<
The following alludes to a fact that has a bearing on why I unimpressed with your opinions regarding "evidence" and interpretation thereof.
Surprise me- Show me youÕre bright enough to understand and learn something from what Mr. Colony is saying that has a bearing on "evidence" and interpretation thereof.
March 1995
page 128-9
By David J. Buerger
Interviewing George "Golden Guts" Colony
[Mr. "Golden Guts" is paid [very well] to predict the future regarding technological trends.]
Begin quote- [my emphasis added]
Super analyst/consultant George "Golden Guts" Colony delivers some really educated guesses.
Wired: What do analysts spend their time doing?
Colony: What I tell people is, Put your feet on the windowsill, look out at Harvard Square, and think. Push your thinking forward.
We have an ethic that we call WIM - What It Means.
We already know what it is.
Information in our industry is virtually free.
No one will pay you for the information.
They will pay you, however, for your analysis of what it means .
And that takes a lot of thinking. That's very, very hard to do.
Good analysis is not always scientific. It is subjective, qualitative research.
I really measure it in its accuracy. I would say we probably bat about .700 - that's pretty good. Our analyst do guess, but there are educated guesses, and there are really educated guesses. I hope we're making really educated guesses.
David Buerger [] is a freelance writer, a weekly columnist for Network World, and a networking industry consultant in Atlanta.