National Catholic Reporter

Letter to Editor

January 17, 1997

page 22

Fr. James Healy expresses an all too frequent problem Ñ of his own making Ñ of people who come out of the closet. He is one step out but tenaciously holding onto the door knob so he can jump back in it when the truth begins to take effect. We are supposed to admire his commitment to the priesthood and feel very sorry for his present plight.

But really, guys, it was all a mistake due to naughty decisions "at odds with my vows." Now I truly regret these unspecified "foolish and unfortunate" actions in my distant past. Blah, blah, blah.

As a PWA (person with AIDS) who is gay and thankful to the Lord for making me gay, I reject Healy's weak-kneed attempt to seek part-time membership in the brotherhood of loving gay men who did not know there was an HIV virus out there when we were infected. We were not ashamed of what happened to us because of sexual encounters. The sex was conducted while reaching out in love to others too frequently damaged by the silliness taught by the church about sex.

RICHARD A. GLEISSNER .......... Falls Church, Va.