Golden Heart Available Kittens

Golden Heart Available Kittens

It Is Our Pleasure To Now Be Located In The Silver State Of Nevada!!

Our 2018 kittens are here!!!! We have two females almost TWINS !!! Born April 25, 2018.

This little girl is so adorable! She is a black and white tabby and oh so cute and sweet! Just almost a carbon copy of her sister! These kittens would be such fun to go together!!

The other twin! Just as spunky and cute as her sister, the two of them are everywhere into everything! Too cute to handle! Both are sweet as can be and will make someone wonderful companions!

If you like our cats and kittens and would like to reserve a kitten or purchase an older altered pet, you may contact us by email at you may fax or call us at (775)537-6755 or (702)354-5529. If you are looking for the "Kitty Tents" please click on the Cattery Page link! Thanks so much for stopping by and please come back soon!!

Deposits to reserve a kitten are not refundable.

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