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| back to Alaska Photos next page of Assorted Photos Wild Orchids We moved into our cabin in the woods in fall, and one of the nicest surprises waited until spring to show itself. In the woods around our cabin are wild orchids. These are Calypso Orchids, also called Fairy Slippers. They are the first flowers to bloom in spring, showing up just a couple weeks after the snow finally melts away. They are so colorful and delicate, and only grow a few inches above the moss on the forest floor. We have one very special patch that we follow closely every year. They are quite unusual, having three blossoms on each stalk, rather than the standard single blossom. Early in the season, these flowers have "horns", which open up to become smaller blossoms after about a week.
We feel blessed to have these wonderful Fairy Slippers growing in such abundance in the woods around our home, so imagine our delight when we discovered a second wild orchid that starts to blossom when the Calypso Orchids begin to fade.
The small valley that we live in seems to be about the only place in the Fairbanks area where these two orchids grow wild. We cherish them all the more because of this.