Our exclusive area in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge affords prime hunting and abundant photographic opportunities. The Dall Sheep population is one of the best Dall Sheep Dall Sheep Dall Sheep Dall Sheep Dall Sheep Dall Sheep Dall Sheep Dall Sheep Dall Sheep Dall Sheep Dall Sheep Dall Sheep Moose Moose Moose Moose Moose Moose Moose Moose Moose Moose Moose Moose Hunting Hunting Hunting Hunting Hunting Hunting Hunting Hunting Hunting Hunting Hunting Hunting Hunting Hunting Hunting Jagen Jagen Jagen Jagen Jagen Jagen Jagen Jagen Jagen Jagen Jagen Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska
Alaska Brooks Range Arctic Hunts

Our exclusive area in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge affords prime hunting and abundant photographic opportunities. The Dall Sheep population is one of the best in the state. Grizzlies, including the Arctic Tundra and blonde face are also abundant. Moose and Caribou are common. Depending on the species you wish to hunt, I can recommend the best dates. I will personalize your needs once you have decided on your species and booked your hunt dates. Temperatures vary from 70 degrees F during the day to as cool as 30 degrees F in the evenings.
This area is America's last remaining great wilderness, the most remote, primitive, least explored and best populated wildlife range. There are no permanent installations, vehicles, roads, trails or improved air strips. Only game trails exist within the area. Alaska Brooks Range Arctic Hunts is located on the Southeastern slope of the Brooks Range in the Junjik River Valley. Our base camp is located on the shores of Timber Lake in the State of Alaska Game Management Unit 25A.
Fairbanks, the Golden Heart of the interior, is readily accessible by commercial airlines from many locations in the lower 48. From Fairbanks a charter service is necessary to transport you to and from our base camp at Timber Lake. There are numerous-air charter services operating out of Fairbanks. You may make your own arrangements or we-can make reservations for you.
The base camp near the shore of Timber Lake has a complete kitchen tent and 2 man 8x10
wall tents with heating stove. Sanitary facilities include wash basins, tubs and wash Board for laundry and bathing. Spike camps also have 8x10 wall tents but are otherwise primitive.
Aside from hunting, there are a number of other activities available. These include day hikes to the peaks of nearby mountains, fishing and animal and scenic-photography. Occasionally, one is fortunate enough to observe the Aurora Borealis (Northern-Lights) during a late August or early September evening. Also available on day trips and overnight excursions, from select camps, is fishing for Lake Trout, Grayling and Arctic Char.
Created By Glen Wagner Sunday, May 05, 1996 - 1:34:18 PM Last update Wednesday, 10:10PM 3/19/98